20 Mar. 2022

We recycle, they save!

Recently we came up with an article in our book called, Let's recycle. It was about the immediate need to reduce the use of paper in a school in the UK. The writer urged the students to be careful on the use of paper, suggesting alternative ways to writing. No big deal, was my reaction. We have heard so many times the word recycle, that quite frankly, we don't give it a second thought.
On the other hand, we had a discussion with our English teacher that gave me the inspiration to write this.. She said that the learning conditions in Western African schools were very different. We chose to have a look at an elementary school in Mali. The area is underdeveloped and lacks basic stuff. The school itself was a simple building with a depressing ocher color on walls and the classroom we saw was a set of dozen desks facing a blackboard.
As depressing and dull was the inside of the room, so excited were the kids. Their bright faces betrayed their eagerness to learn. A single blue notebook and a pencil were their belongings.
I had seen such photos before but never with this strange comparison feeling.. We western, consumerists need to recycle as not be buried in paper and on the other part of the planet they can't afford a second notebook, let alone thrive in stationary..
My head was heavy with scruples and promises to start being a careful consumer..
All these, a few days ago....One thing I have to say, I'll keep you posted..

Mary K.